I just wanna let my emotion out by writing this post. I have a "new" friend who really weird for me because of her face never smile to me. the truth smile actually. When I try to friendly, when I try to make a humor, she didn't respon my humor or my words. Just a scornful smile maybe.. well, I can't describe her smile. wait smile? she's not really smile. When I asked for something, she didn't respon well. So, if you're being me, how does your feeling? resentful? I'm feeling like I want hit her head, grab her hair... I'm feeling nggonduk!! Before I met her, I don't have any problem with my friends. It goes perfectly. My friends always respon my humor or my words, garing atau lucu mereka tetep nanggepi ndes! they were not like you! with sok innocent face tapi nggak jadi. Maaf bahasanya jadi campur aduk gini. maklum, lagi emosi.. first I know about her, I think I'm weird. So she didn't like me or hate me, or thinking that I'm weird. But after I compare it with my friendship before, there wasn't any problem with me. I'm normal. so, I think probably she is weird, not me. And now, I don't wanna talk to her or ask for something to her. There's many people. I can ask to the person who cares and respons my words. I just wanna serve people who deserve it. See? I'm done with her.
December Aurora
A Million Things about daily life, stories and updates written by Handhika Pratama Putri
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